Geoff McGhee, Creative Director for Media and Communications, Stanford's Bill Lane Center for the American West
Frank Rose, author of "The Art of Immersion"; Correspondent, Wired Magazine
Data can be a powerful tool--but humans respond to stories, not figures, which is why all of us are ultimately in the storytelling business. Properly deployed, data can tell unexpected and amazing stories. But what's the secret to using it to communicate effectively? What tools do we need to realize the promise of big data as a storytelling medium? Join us for this revealing and provocative discussion with Frank Rose, author of The Art of Immersion, and Geoff McGhee, who specializes in interactive data visualization and multimedia storytelling as Creative Director for Media and Communications, Stanford's Bill Lane Center for the American West.
Sponsors: Fenwick & West LLP and Jive Software
REGISTRATION/Breakfast: 7:30 AM | Program: 8:00 AM
PRICE: Churchill Club Member $34 | Nonmember $54
EVENT URL: http://transition.churchillclub.org/eventDetail.jsp?EVT_ID=958
Official Website: http://transition.churchillclub.org/eventDetail.jsp?EVT_ID=958
Added by FullCalendar on August 10, 2012