9104 W 2700 S
Magna, Utah 84044

'The Princess and the Pea' fairy tale set to music with book by Jay Thompson, Dean Fuller, and Marshall Barer, music by Mary Rodgers, lyrics by Barer. Queen Agravain does not want to lose her sonny boy, Prince Dauntless the Drab, to a wife so she declares that he will wed only a Princess of royal blood. Princess Winifred the Woebegon swims the moat to get inside the castle and she might not seem exactly the most royally refined type, but she puts herself forth, much to the Queen's chagrin. Then, Queen Agravain devises her famous test. Some featured songs: 'Sensitivity,' 'In a Little While,' 'Shy,' 'Good Night, Sweet Princess,' 'Many Moons Ago,' 'Spanish Panic.' Directed by Nanny Mckenzie.

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 13, 2009