Old Saybrook High School presents "Once On This Island," a musical romance and an uplifting show that reminds us all of the healing power of music and dance.
Dates: Thurs. March 27, Fri. March 28 & Sat. March 29
Time: 7:30 PM
Tickets: $10.00 Available at the High School on Mondays, 1111 Boston Post Road, Old Saybrook 395-3175 and at Harbor Books, 146 Main St, Old Saybrook,
Tuesday - Saturdays, 388-6850.
About the Play: Imaginatively staged in post Katrina New Orleans, Ti Moune, a young peasant girl played by Caroline St. Germain, rescues and falls in love with a young man from a privileged class, played by Ned Moore. The peasant gods “rule” the fate of the villagers: Earth, Water, Love, and Death and guide Ti Moune in her quest that tests the strength of love against the forces of class, prejudice, and death. In this quest Ti Moune and her fellow survivors learn that love ultimately requires forgiveness and the resilience of the human spirit. The community shares this tale in the hopes to cope with their own fears and to pass encouragement on to their children.
The combination of 28 high schoolers and 7 children reenact this tale through modern dance with stylized masks and costumes. Director Pat Souney teams up with a former student from Guilford, choreographer Apollo Smile-Dailey, and vocal director Susan Clarke, to bring this mythic musical to vibrant life.
Finally, just as many things can divide a community, so too can many things unite it. Unequal wealth distribution creates class divisions exacerbated by external forces such as hurricane devastation. The play’s characters’ struggles parallel those in New Orleans, who live with the reality of class and hardship in order to survive. Students at OSHS have been inspired to join with the larger community of students from New Orleans to raise money for the children of the storm-ravaged city through the “After the Storm” project. Box office proceeds will be donated to this foundation.
When this project was first launched in 2007, Lynn Ahrens, lyricist for the show, reminded audiences, "People say theatre has the power to heal. We hope that this production of our show and the efforts of “After the Storm” will remind all of New Orleans -- especially the children -- that love, community and the sharing of our stories can help heal hearts and rebuild lives." Once On This Island explores the divisions and hardships and leaves us with a message of hope for the future. Even strong prejudices can be overcome with love and forgiveness and a powerful community.
Publicity compliments of:
Max Sabrin, Firefighter/Fire Police
O.S.F.D. Media Relations / Special Events Coordinator
Old Saybrook Fire Department / 860.395.5550
email: osfd@aol.com www.oldsaybrookfire.com
& Claire O'Connor Public Relations, NYC. email: oconnorpr@aol.com
Official Website: http://www.oldsaybrookct.com
Added by OSFD on February 26, 2008