540 S Water St
Providence, Rhode Island 02903

Elizabeth Sawtelle has curated an intimate pocket exhibit of waterfront images by a select group of artists. There are four contemporary artists represented; Carmel Vitullo's 1958 Block Island photograph, Paul Martiesian's India Point Park vista, Dana Levin's Bermuda sky and Robert Thornton's Newport Beach Roses. There are 19th- and early 20th-century artists as well. Henry Cady (1849 - 1935) and Elijah Baxter (1849 - 1939) have two strong works of Narragansett Bay and the Newport Rocks by Bailey's Beach. Other artists on view include Edgar Corbridge (1901-1988), Florence Leif (1913- 1968), Mabel Woodward (1877 - 1945) and Margaret Bittkow-Koehler (1887 - 1964).

Added by Upcoming Robot on August 22, 2011