Visitors can take the Oath of Office, cast a vote for president, learn about historic elections of the past, and more during 'On the Campaign Trail - A Presidential Summer.' As soon as visitors step through the Center's front doors, they will find "election central" in the Grand Hall Lobby, complete with a countdown clock to Election Day. Every guest, even those under the age of 18, will have the chance to cast their vote for president, and they can see up-to-date results in a running tally. Guests ages 18 and over can register to vote on-site, as well. Registration forms are available in the Lobby for residents from every state, and Constitution Center staff members are on-hand to assist with the registration process. Visitors can also view a special display of voting booths from America's past and learn about different voting methods, the expansion of voting rights, and the importance of voting for all citizens. They can weigh in on current campaign issues by responding to questions posted on special election "talk back" panels in the Lobby. During the daily 'Elections from Start to Finish' presentation, visitors have the chance to learn about in the election process from the primaries to the inauguration. Guests can participate in 5-10 minute demonstrations that include the latest campaign developments, debates, and speeches.
Added by Upcoming Robot on June 30, 2008