17 Avenue @ 8 Street SW
Calgary, Alberta

*On October 14, vote to end the war in Afghanistan. *
*On October 18, march to end the war in Afghanistan.*

The 2008 Canadian budget allocated $18 billion to military spending and only $167 million to reconstruction in Afghanistan. We are spending 0.9% of the military budget on reconstruction.

A recent UN report states that civilian deaths in Afghanistan have increased 40% this year.

61% of Canadians believe the country is paying too high a price in terms of blood and financial cost for its involvement in Afghanistan.

Our military is helping to support a government where more than 60% of its members of parliaments are known drug lords and warlords who continue to commit human rights abuses against Afghan civilians.

*Join Calgarians in raising awareness about the true cost of this war and letting our new government know that we want this war to end NOW! *

When: Saturday, October 18 at 1pm
Where: Tompkins Park (17th Ave and 8th St S.W.)

There will be speakers, music and we will hold placards outlining the cost of the war and how this war is effecting the people of Afghanistan.

This event is part of a pan-Canadian day of action to end the war in Afghanistan called by the Canadian Peace Alliance and Collectif echec a la guerre. It is being organized by a group of concerned Calgarians.

For more information, go to www.acp-cpa.ca or email candil@shaw.ca

Added by Coillette on September 3, 2008