As part of the On My Own Time visual arts program, the Illinois State Museum will presents an in-house exhibit of works by fourteen staff members and volunteers. Those showing photography are: Mona Colburn, Kim Dunnigan, Nicola Evans, Phil Kennedy, Meredith Mahoney, Pietra Mueller, and Katherine Wooldridge. Artists showing digitally manipulated photography are: Nicholas Klobuchar and Dannyl Madura. Other artists and their media are: Dee Ann Holtschlag-Watt (floral bouquet); Sue Huitt (quilted fiber); Michael Maniscalco (mixed media - wood and beads); James Oliver (digital manipulated ink drawings); Doug Stapleton (mixed media collage); and Kim Dunnigan (pencil drawings). Also showing work are three ISM volunteers, Peter Mueller (digitally-manipulated photographs), Phil Colburn (drawing), and Mary Boesdorfer (turned wood pens).
Added by Upcoming Robot on June 8, 2009