The event includes loads of garden information and inspiration, and when visitors are ready for a break, Olympic Landscape hopes to draw them into a secret garden for refuge from the hustle and bustle of the showroom floor.
You could almost close your eyes to enjoy Olympic Landscape’s display, except you’d miss the architectural beauty and the serenity of the whites, pinks, purples, and soft yellows of the bedded flowers set against a backdrop of evergreens. On approach, multi-layered scents of winter plants and glimpses of a secret garden draw visitors into the intimate, formal space. It's a peaceful experience as scents of Witch Hazel, Daphne, and the often over-looked winter flowering plant, Sarcococca, commonly called Fragrant Sweet Box, blend with the trickle from a sculptured fountain.
Official Website:
Added by blockbeta on January 21, 2009
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