Olivia Fox Cabane, Chief Charisma Coach, Spitfire; Author, The Charisma Myth
Most of us assume that charisma is something you're either born with, or not. But science is proving otherwise. What makes people charismatic, and which aspects of charisma can indeed be learned?
This talk will present the highlights of a few compelling studies, as well as practical tools for everyday application.
For the first time, science and technology have taken charisma apart, figured it out and turned it into an applied science: In controlled laboratory experiments, researchers claim they could raise or lower people's level of charisma as if they were turning a dial.
In The Charisma Myth, Cabane takes a hard scientific approach to a heretofore mystical topic, covering what charisma actually is, how it is learned, what its side effects are, and how to handle them. She breaks charisma down into its fundamental components.
Official Website: http://www.commonwealthclub.org/events/2012-08-02/olivia-fox-cabane-charisma-and-leadership-what-if-charisma-could-be-taught
Added by Science and Technology Forum on May 6, 2012