110 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1J1

@ the Movies with OLIP
At the First Annual Ottawa Immigration Forum, the Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership presents an afternoon at the movies—viewings of independent films on a variety of themes that give voice to the pressing issues of immigrant integration, followed by discussion sessions.
Date: Monday, October 1st, 2012
Time: 2:00 – 4:30 p.m.
Location: Ottawa City Hall, 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa, Ontario

Theme I ― Immigrant Youth: Experiences of settlement and integration by first and second generation young immigrants
Everybody’s Children (English)
Walk through a year in the lives of two youth seeking asylum in Canada. This documentary puts a spotlight on the role of community support to provide youth with the much needed guidance and sense of community, helping to transform their lives.
Sahan – Journey of Hope (English)
Interviews with second generation immigrant youth to explore the quest for identity and struggle for cultural belonging as they navigate the competing pressures at play in their efforts shape and express their values and identity.

Discussants : Mohamed Islam, Somali Youth Support Project
Deka Omar, Youth featured in Sahan – Journey of Hope

Theme II ― Work for All: Challenges of workforce integration for internationally trained professionals
Three documentaries address different manifestations of direct and systematic discrimination against highly qualified immigrants as they seek employment commensurate to their skill-set. The documentaries are part of the National Film Board series Work for All: Films against racism at workplace with the participation of Human Resource and Skills Development Canada. (French with English subtitles)
1. Doctors without Residency 2. Hanging On 3. Une femme de tête
Discussants : Kelly Mcgahey, Hire Immigrants Ottawa
Martha Wilson, International Medical Doctors Program, Catholic Centre for Immigrants

Theme III ― Beneath the Surface: Evolving Social dynamics in multi-ethnic neighborhoods
The Downtown Project (English)
This full-length documentary reveals a complex multi-ethnic reality made up of compelling personal stories and social movements. Grappling with the stresses of immigration and cultural integration, the projects’ diverse inhabitants pride themselves on the sense of community they share. National Film Board
Discussants : Brian Ray, Department of Geography, University of Ottawa
Naini Cloutier, Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre

For more information or to reserve your seat, contact Hasmik Minasyan, Ottawa Local Immigration Partnership
Tel: 613-232-9634 Ext 318,
Email: Hasmik@olip-plio.ca


Added by eventsbystarfish on September 23, 2012

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