57 Forest St.
Danvers, Massachusetts MA

Vintage Base Ball Tournament
Come join the Essex Base Ball Club, the Mudville Nine of Holliston MA, the Waterbury Connors, and the Dirigo BBC of Augusta ME on Saturday July 15th for a fun filled day of 1861 baseball action. There will be four games played:
10 am- Essex vs Mudville
12pm- Dirigo vs Mudville
2pm-Dirigo vs Waterbury
4pm-Waterbury vs Essex
The games will be played at Endicott Park, 57 Forest St. Danvers, MA. Admission is free, but donations welcome. Bring a chair or blanket and enjoy old fashioned baseball. For more information or directions check us out on the web at www.essexbaseball.org or contact Brian Sheehy at 978-790-5707 or email historyball@yahoo.com

Added by historyball on July 11, 2006

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