7777 S May Ave
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159

OKLAHOMA CITY) The Oklahoma City chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State will host its second annual hot-button debate on Thursday, March 15, 2012, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The event debating the resolution "Intelligent Design should be taught in public school science classrooms," will be held on the campus of Oklahoma City Community College (OCCC), 7777 S. May, in Rooms CU2 and CU3.

James Nimmo, OK-AU Communications Chair said, "One task of Americans United is to offer educational opportunities for hot-button issues involving First Amendment state/church separation. All Americans are free to exercise their private beliefs with others who share them. However, to impose those private beliefs, through the power of law or with tax money, on others who have different beliefs is not in the spirit or the letter of the First Amendment."

This debate is a free educational public event and all are invited to attend regardless of religious, political, or scientific viewpoints.

Event debater Abbie Smith will be voicing opposition to the resolution: "Intelligent Design should be taught in public school science classrooms".

Ms. Smith is a graduate student studying the molecular and biochemical evolution of HIV within patients and within populations. She also studies epigenetic control of endogenous retroviruses (ERV). Smith has a BS in Biology from Truman State and is currently finishing her Ph.D in Microbiology and Immunology at Oklahoma University.

Debating in favor of the resolution will be Dr. Steve Kern of Olivet Baptist Church in Oklahoma City. Dr. Kern was in the opposing position at the 2011 debate where the resolution was whether the United States was established as a Christian nation. Dr. Kern is married to Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern. For more information visit www.olivetbaptistokc.com.

Intelligent design parallels, but is not identical to creation science. It is the view that there is scientific evidence to support the Biblical Genesis account of the creation of the earth and of life.

Event moderator will be Rev. Jim Shields, board member of the Interfaith Alliance of Oklahoma.
Recommended parking is at Area “D” - Entrance “CU1” - Rooms CU2 and CU3.

For more information about the Oklahoma City Chapter of Americans for Separation of Church and State please visit www.okau.org or contact James Nimmo at 405-843-3651.

Added by DarlaS on March 4, 2012

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