2501 Harrison Street @ 27th St.
Oakland, California 94610

We've been saying it for years. President Bush admitted it. Now we're going to do something about it. Join us and community members from all over the Bay Area for a Oil Addicts Anonymous Meeting to discuss the chain of oil impacts, learn about individual steps we can take to get off oil and make commitments to different strategies we can take with some of the biggest oil polluters (er...pushers) in the industry. Food and speakers will be served...

Contact Nile Malloy for details: nmalloy@ran.org

Join us in starting the community conversation around oil addiction and the solutions that must be enacted today by people like you and me.

Added by Japhet on March 28, 2006



Hey folks hope to see you there! Should be a rollicking (i.e. sobering) good time.


Of course, there's the TALC gathering at FUCO and the Bay Area Relocalization (peak-oil/post-carbon institute) gathering down the street at Humanist Hall... click on the SF Oil Awareness group link for more.