Generation Y is coming. By the end of the decade, 64 million workers will be able to retire. Generation Y, the children of Baby Boomers, will replace them. These people were raised on different values, and will work differently in the workplace. How will your business handle the transition?
By studying the differences in the generations, we can understand how these groups act individually and how they will interact together in a business environment. You will also learn what business leaders need to know to motivate their employees across generations, as well as what the employees expect from a business.
This webinar is presented by Sydney Joyner, President of The Joyner Group LTD. Sydney works with executives on transforming and accelerating leadership capabilities, talent acquisition and management, and employee engagement. She is a frequent lecturer and writer on emergent leadership models, organization change issues, and the development of talent within companies.
Date and Time: Dec 18, 2008
10:00 am - 11:00 am Location: Online
Member Price: $20.00, Non-member Price: $30.00
Sponsored by: JONES PARTNERS
Added by Sarena Regazzoni on November 4, 2008