Portland, Oregon

In this webinar you will learn why having a search engine marketing (SEM) strategy is critical to your ability to succeed in a down market. You will also learn about the key components of a search engine marketing strategy and even a few practical SEM tips.

Speaker: Ben Lloyd
Ben Lloyd is President of Amplify Interactive [www.amplify-interactive.com], a Portland, Oregon search engine marketing (SEM) agency. Ben is also the current President of SEMpdx [www.sempdx.org], Portland's own search engine marketing association.

Ben's bio is here: http://www.amplify-interactive.com/aboutus/our_team.htm.

Note that this webinar is available online. For more information, email info@oen.org or call 503.222.2270.

Official Website: http://www.oen.org

Added by kfickenscher on February 16, 2009