Come to Backspace and see OEN's Angel Oregon 2011 Concept-Stage winner, Marrietta Harrison of Soothie Suckers, present her emerging consumer business.
PubTalk is a lively forum where early-stage entrepreneurs from any industry get a chance to test their company pitch in front of an audience of their peers. Presenters and attendees alike, learn from the challenging questions, which test the presenting entrepreneur's business model.
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OEN members can save by pre-registering online. Online registration for this event closes Wednesday, April 13th at 12:00 pm. Please register at the door after that time, no discounts will be applied.
About SoothieSuckers:
Soothie Suckers delivers good health in great tasting, all-natural, herbal, freezable treats! Soothie Suckers come in three formulas: Immune Booster, Cold Fighter and Sore Throat Relief. "It's the cool way to feel better."
Marietta Harrison - Soothie Sucker's Founder, CEO, & Mom
Marietta Harrison is a true "mompreneur." About 15 years ago, before most pediatricians stopped prescribing antibiotics for many common ailments, Marietta lost faith in the medical community. Relying on her own research and input from friends and fellow parents familiar with natural medicine, she began creating her own herbal remedies and mixing them with fruit juices to help treat her own children.
Years later, while brainstorming with her husband, musician Michael Allen Harrison, and his sister, they came up with the idea to put natural medicines into ice pops. As they began to move forward with their idea, they were amazed at the lack of products available to treat children for colds and other illnesses. Marietta's experience with adding herbal medicines to her children's fruit juice helped them develop a great tasting and effective product - and Soothie Suckers were born.
Date: Wednesday, April 13
Time: 5:15 PM - 7:00 PM
Backspace, 115 NW 5th Ave. Portland, OR 97204
OEN Member Registration: $15
Non-member Registration: $30
Official Website:
Added by Oregon Entrepreneurs Network on March 24, 2011