An hour of time with an experienced attorney can sometimes run $400. Join us at OEN's 'Ask the Attorney' PubTalk on June 8th, 2011 and an hour of legal advice will only cost you the price of admission. We have put together a great panel of attorneys representing IP/Start Up, Corporate and Employment issues. Come by and bring those questions you have been dying to ask an attorney, as the event will include insights from our experienced panel, but also look to have an active Q&A element from the audience.
David Uslan, Perkins & Company
Vicky Ballou, Tonkon Torp - IP
Michael Phillips, Davis Wright Tremaine - Corporate
Stacy Mark, Ater Wynne - Employment
Pre-Register and Save
OEN members can save by pre-registering online. Online registration for this event closes Wednesday, April 13th at 12:00 pm. Please register at the door after that time, no discounts will be applied.
5-Minute Pitch
PubTalk is a lively forum where very early-stage entrepreneurs from any industry get a chance to test their company pitch in front of an audience of their peers. Presenters and attendees alike, learn from the challenging questions, which test the presenting entrepreneur’s business model. Companies who would like to apply to present at an upcoming PubTalk can apply here:
Ater Wynne
Comcast Business Services
Added by Oregon Entrepreneurs Network on May 11, 2011