Come watch the championship round of the competition for Oregon and Southwest Washington seed-stage companies who are seeking capital within the range of $100,000 to $2,000,000. One winner from each preliminary round was chosen to move on to this championship round, where the finalist will earn a coveted presenting opportunity at OEN's Angel Oregon 2009, the premier angel investing event in the Northwest. The 2009 conference will be held at the Governor Hotel in Portland on March 12th.
Nine presenting companies in total were selected to compete in the 2008-2009 Seed Oregon tournament. Each had 10 minutes to present their concept to the PubTalk audience, followed by a 10 minute Q&A session. In this final round the audience will vote for the ''popular'' winner, while the Angel Oregon 2009 investment committee will decide which company moves on to OEN's Angel Oregon 2009.
Official Website:
Added by kfickenscher on January 12, 2009