Come learn about FastTrac® GrowthVenture™, a Kauffman Foundation entrepreneurship program that will be offered jointly by OTBC and the OEN.
Not to be confused with FastTrac® TechVenture®, GrowthVenture™ targets companies that are a bit beyond the startup stage, and into some revenue (a few hundred thousand to a few million). GrowthVenture™ takes you through a process of reassessing and building your strategy. And GrowthVenture™ is NOT limited to tech startups.
In these challenging economic times, it's critical to be sure your strategy fits the new challenges. GrowthVenture™ will help you get there.
To sign up for this free information session, please visit the OTBC MeetUp calendar.
For more information, please contact OEN at or call us at 503.222.2270.
Official Website:
Added by kfickenscher on February 16, 2009