Mark DeCarlo and Ivan Kane present ODD WEDNESDAYS, a new, live, bi-monthly comedy and music variety show premiering March 17, 2010 @ 8PM at Café Was. ODD WEDNESDAYS features an amazing lineup of talented bands, singer-songwriters, and comedians coming together for the newest comedy & music showcase in Hollywood. The March 17 St. Patrick’s Day premiere will feature the house band Old Blues Eyes with singer-songwriters, and comedians performing in this talent-packed Jam Session / Open Mic. The night’s top acts will win cool prizes and a spot to perform along side all-star comedians and musicians on the LAST ODD WEDNESDAY, March 31st. Performer sign-ups are at 8:00 PM. JAM NIGHT runs from 9-11 PM. There is NO COVER CHARGE. Ivan Kane’s CAFÉ WAS is located at 1521 N. Vine St. Hollywood, CA.
WHO: Presented by Mark DeCarlo and Ivan Kane’s CAFE WAS
WHAT: ODD WEDNESDAYS, the newest comedy & music premiere showcase
WHEN: Beginning St. Patrick’s Day, March 17th, 2010, (and continuing EVERY ODD WEDNESDAY of every month (3/31, 4/7, 4/21, 5/5, 5/19 etc.) Doors @ 8 PM Show @ 9 PM
WHERE: Ivan Kane's CAFÉ WAS 1521 N. Vine St. Hollywood, CA (323)466-5400
TICKETS: No Cover Charge – Free – 8PM Sign-up, 9PM Jam Session/Open Mic
Singer-Songwriters and comedians are welcome to join us to play 1 or 2 songs o sets on a first come first serve basis; e-mail for sign up sheet. Win cool prizes and the chance to be invited to perform with A-List comedians and musicians in our exclusive upcoming shows the third Wednesday of every month at CAFÉ WAS.
Added by TravelingDiva on March 8, 2010