Expose. Explore. Engage.
ODC/Dance unplugged
(Complimentary wine reception at 6:00pm)
"Labor of Love"
Choreographer KT Nelson
ODC/Dance unplugged offers a first glimpse into the latest work by acclaimed choreographer and ODC Co-Artistic Director KT Nelson. In Labor of Love, Nelson works with ODC's 10 company dancers and Mozart's Piano Concert No. 20 to explore the complex nature of love.
ODC/Dance unplugged is a rare opportunity to get a behind-the-scenes look at the creation of new artistic work by ODC's three choreographers: Brenda Way, KT Nelson and Kimi Okada. This evening features a sneak preview of the latest work by ODC Co-Artistic Director KT Nelson. The final work will premiere at ODC/Dance Downtown at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, March 12-28, 2010.
In the spirit of innovation and exploration, ODC/Dance unplugged offers new and returning audiences the chance to gather to preview works-in-progress and to engage in a post-performance discussion with the artists and audience. This wildly popular series is the functional equivalent of the preview performance tradition in American theater.
Official Website: http://odcdance.org/performance.php?param=3
Added by FullCalendar on September 5, 2009