Backstage Pass
Supporting the Arts Through Volunteering
WHO: The Volunteer Center presents: ODC Dance, The San Francisco Opera, and San Francisco Chamber Orchestra in special performances on one stage, one night only
Sponsored by: JPMorgan Chase
WHAT: Backstage Pass features a pre-show reception including complimentary wine and hors doeuvres
from Bay Area wineries and restaurants.
A Volunteer Salon showcases volunteer opportunities or ways to work “behind the
scenes” as a volunteer with 20 local arts groups. A silent auction offers exclusive
opportunities to experience the Bay Area arts scene as an insider, along with fine dining, wines and travel.
WHEN/ Thursday, August 17, 2006, 5:30PM-8:30PM
WHERE: The Herbst Theatre
410 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
TICKETS: Tickets are: $15 in advance or $20 at the door
Buy tickets online at City Box Office:
Or Charge-by-Phone: (415) 392-4400
WHY: A celebration of nonprofit arts organizations and the volunteers that keep them thriving. The Volunteer Center, has 60 years of history connecting caring individuals with thenonprofits who need their support.
CONTACT: John Power 415-982-8999 ext 227, or
Official Website:
Added by Samidha on August 3, 2006