ODC/Dance presents the beloved holiday production of The Velveteen Rabbit, a tale of love, loyalty and hope. Brimming with wit, festive costumes, madcap characters and the perfect amount of holiday cheer, The Velveteen Rabbit is "a must see for all ages" (New York Times).
A loving and witty interpretation of Margery Williams' classic 1922 children's tale choreographed by ODC Co-Artistic Director KT Nelson, The Velveteen Rabbit is about the strong relationship between a boy and his stuffed rabbit, and the enduring power of love. Told from the perspective of a stuffed rabbit who wants nothing more than to become real, the story explores the deep bond the boy and rabbit develop over time. As their relationship grows, they depend upon one another in both good and bad times. The Velveteen Rabbit's message is timeless and appropriate for children and adults alike.
In this holiday classic, Nana, who stands 10 feet tall, oversees the toys that share the nursery with the Rabbit: a skin-horse, toy soldiers, a crocodile, dolls and, in the garden, a pack of real rabbits. The show is suitable for children ages 3 and up, and for the child in every adult.
Special Events:
Grandparents & Photo Day, Fri. 11/28, 2pm. 20% discount for seniors.
Milk & Cookies Party, Sun. 11/30, 3:30pm
Dress-Up Day- Free Cookies! Sat. 12/6, 1pm
Italian Ice Day, Sat. 12/13, 4pm & Sun. 12/14, 2pm
Nov 28-30 at 2pm, Dec 4-5 at 11am, Dec 6 at 1pm and 4pm, Dec 7 at 2pm, Dec 11-12 at 11am, Dec 13 at 1pm and 4pm, Dec 14 at 2pm
$15-$45, Discounted Groups 10+.
Official Website: http://www.odcdance.org/v5/events/vr2007/index2008.html
Added by FullCalendar on October 23, 2008