Fri-Sat, Apr 29-30, 8pm; Sun, May 1, 7pm
ODC Theater Presents
Kate Weare Company
"Bright Land"
Apr 29-30; 8pm
May 1; 7pm
Tapping into memories of her English grandparents singing Celtic ballads of life's struggles with sly humor alongside deep sadness, choreographer Kate Weare uses these old-time songs as a peephole into the startling history of American lives, evincing the intensity, resilience, and wit that allowed communities to band together and survive under difficult conditions. The dances of "Bright Land" seek to honor this lineage, while exploring their relevance in light of our current economic troubles, social isolation, and essential desire to feel connected. Blue-grass band "The Crooked Jades" will join the Kate Weare Company for this engagement.
"[Bright Land] is both razor-sharp and unpredictable, teasing but never confused, and the movement falls naturally into spare and beautiful designs with nothing wasted... As the music wails, they wade deeper and deeper, leading us into an impossible intimacy." - Robert Johnson, The Star Ledger
"Bright Land" was commissioned by the The O'Donnell-Green Music and Dance Foundation, The Greenwall Foundation, American Music Center Live Music for Dance Program, and The Bossak/Heilbron Charitable Foundation. Bright Land was supported in early development by a Creative Residency at ODC Theater in San Francisco.
$18 / $15 Students, Seniors
Buy Online Now or
Call 415-863-9834
Box Office: Wed-Sat 12-6pm
ODC Theater
3153 17th Street
San Francisco CA 94110
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on April 15, 2011