With her new work Animal Farm, Artist in Residence Jacinta Vlach, poses the question: Is it possible to maintain one's intrinsic values while rising to power?
Inspired by George Orwell's classic 20th century novel of the same title, 'Animal Farm' explores contemporary politics and propaganda and the idea that a utopian society is made impossible by the corrupting nature of the very power necessary to create it. Using urban aesthetics, revolutionary poster art as a background and visual narrative and various dance forms including Step, Dancehall, and Modern, Animal Farm brings together an eclectic fusion of fine art and working-class sensibilities.
SF Weekly says "Choreographer Jacinta Vlach dives head first into the ever thorny topics of race, culture and identity... and jettisons the neutral ground of conventional dance for more provocative terrain."
Artist Talk after the show on Saturday, April 25th and Reception on Sunday, April 26th with ODC Theater Director Rob Bailis. See website for details.
Linda Graham, 415-346-7805
Groups of 10 or more receive a 20% discount
Visit our NEW website for details! www.odctheater.org
$18: General | $15: Seniors/Students/Children 12 & Under.
Official Website: http://odcdance.org/performance.php?param=10
Added by FullCalendar on April 11, 2009