Our next DC Drupal meetup will be on Monday, October 11th starting at 7:00 pm at the upstairs bar at Stetson's.
Beers will be cracked at 7:00 pm and the formal portion of the meetup will start at 7:30 pm with a discussion on Drupal 7. Topics will likely include is it ready yet, when will it be released, what's new in this releases, what changes should everyone be aware of, and what road bumps will there be for upgrading. Jeff will solicit questions from the group and ask people to share their experience to help answer them. So come ready with LOTS of questions, and for those who have worked with Drupal 7, be ready to share your experiences. My colleagues at Development Seed will get things started by talking about their experience upgrading modules like Features, Context, Admin, and Strongarm (http://developmentseed.org/blog/2010/sep/30/features-and-exportables-drupal-7) and how it led to the creation of something new - Build Kit (http://drupal.org/project/buildkit) - that could help others working in Drupal 7.
These meetups are open to everyone with an interest in Drupal, and they're a great opportunity to learn more about the open source framework - there is usually a lot of experience in the room - and meet local developers. We have a meetup each month on the second Monday of the month at Stetsons. More details at http://groups.drupal.org/node/97364.
Added by bonniebogle on October 5, 2010