220 - 4 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 4X3

When: October 27 at noon
Where: Harry Hays Federal Building

Not One More Dead
Bring the Troops Home Now
Pan-Canadian Day of Action against war: October 27
In Calgary, we will have a march and rally.

The war in Afghanistan is getting worse day by day. The Government of Canada and its NATO allies tell us that security and reconstruction are improving and that the battle for the hearts and minds of the Afghan people is being won by the west. In reality the situation is much more dire. Reconstruction has been proven to be a smokescreen and the resistance to the occupation is growing. Violence increases every month that our soldiers remain in Kanadhar.

It is time to stop the bloodshed - not in 2009 as our politicians suggest - but now. The Canadian Peace Alliance and Collectif Échec à la guerre call on the people of Canada and Quebec to demonstrate this October 27, 2007 and call for the troops to be brought home.

On October 27 people in Canada and the US will be marching to call for peace in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thousands will march in a pan-Canadian day of action. Join us!

Out of Afghanistan - Out of Iraq
Harper and Bush Bring the Troops back!

For more info on the call go to
or email candil@shaw.ca

Added by Coillette on September 26, 2007