Ocha la Rocha began in 2004 as Johnny la Rocha’s studio recording project, and evolved into a live act that debuted in 2005 to ply the music scenes of Atlanta and Los Angeles. Initially OLR paid tribute to the classic southern rock of la Rocha’s Georgia hometown, but soon absorbed the burgeoning psychedelic-country sounds of the West Coast. Ocha Lives is the culmination of 3 years work, and includes the contributions of accomplished supporting musicians including William Brandon (The Rock*a*Teens), Jason Anchondo (The Warlocks), Marcos Diableros (Spindrift), pedal steel master Page Waldrop, and Milton Chapman (The Hiss). Johnny la Rocha’s grainy vocals and irreverent lyrics evoke a juke joint bluesman, a libidinous southern rocker, and a tender-hearted, crooning cowboy. This unlikely mix of styles is accomplished in the skillful juxtaposition of stripped down rock songs paired with lavish, quasi-psychedelic arrangements, next to wailing country folk. The result is a debut of both lush complexity and spare vintage rock. Ocha la Rocha will eat your homework, drink your beer, smoke your weed, shag your sister, tune your guitar, fix your tube amp, deep fry your turkey and impress your parents at Sunday dinner.
Added by driveafastercar on June 10, 2009