Election Day is finally here and to celebrate Bar 1 is offering all Bud products for 99 cents at all of its Windy City locales, including: Duffy’s Tavern & Grille, Durkin’s Tavern, Maeve, McGee’s Tavern & Grille, Redmond’s Ale House and The Wrightwood Tap. In true democratic fashion, Bar 1 will be holding its own mock election for the next president. Each participating bar will have polling places where citizens can informally make their vote for the next president. Winners of the faux-election will be announced and each voting participant will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win a brand new 50-inch TV!
McGee's Tavern & Grille, 950 W. Webster
Duffy's Tavern & Grille, 420½ West Diversey Parkway
Durkin's Tavern, 810 West Diversey Parkway
Redmond's Ale House, 3358 North Sheffield
Wrightwood Tap, 1059 West Wrightwood
Maeve, 1325 West Wrightwood Avenue
Added by Paramount Public Relations on October 26, 2012