For our Februray meeting Phoenix Objectivists will continue studying Leonard Peikoff's magnum opus: "Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand" (a.k.a. OPAR).
This brilliantly conceived and organized book is based on a lecture course given by Dr. Leonard Peikoff in 1976, entitled "The Philosophy of Objectivism". The lectures were attended by Ayn Rand, who helped prepare them and also joined Peikoff in answering questions.
"Until or unless I write a comprehensive treatise on my philosophy, Ayn Rand said. Dr. Peikoff's course is the only authorized presentation of the entire theoretical structure of Objectivism - that is, the only one that I know of my own knowledge to be fully accurate."
Study time will last about 90 minutes in which we will utilize the questions in a study guide that cover the major points of Dr. Peikoff's course to better assist us. Thirty minutes will be set aside for discussion and questions.
Official Website:
Added by VivaJefferson on February 4, 2012