This course is designed to give beginning Flex developers a primer on an OOP (Object Oriented Programming) approach to Flex development. The first day will cover OOP concepts and best practices, application design and custom events in Flex. On day two we will take all those concepts and apply them by building an application hands on. By the end of day two students should have a good understanding of building a Flex application in a well organized, object oriented manner. The completed application will be distributed at the end of the course for those students that want to just sit, listen, and watch the code come to life. This class is aimed at students that have already taken the first steps into the world of Flex and are interested in taking their Flex development to the next step with an OOP approach.
Recommended Knowledge: Basic Flex and ActionScript experience is recommended.
DAY 1 (Theory)
* Intro to OOP
What is OOP?
Overview of Classes
Overview of Packages
Preparing to get to work
* Application Design
o Project Structure and Namespaces
DTOs (Data Transfer Objects)
Base/View Relationship (Code Behind)
Main Application Class
Handling the layout
* Custom Events
The Event Model
Dispatching Custom Events
Handling Custom Events
Dispatching from a Manager class
* Wrapup + Q & A
* DAY 2 (Practice)
Intro to Application
Develop, develop, develop
Hands on development
* Wrapup + Q & A
Official Website:
Added by ccharlton on February 26, 2008
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