827 Washington St
Oakland, California 94607

Come join us for the first ever OakTown MeetUP!

This event will highlight numerous non profits and volunteer based organizations in Oakland that need your help. Meet representatives from each organization and learn about the type of help they need. Interested parties will have the opportunity to sign up to volunteer with these organizations on-site.

Our Facebook fan page has been growing at an immense rate and it's about time we brought this online community together to do some good for our city!

This is a great opportunity to find out about the ways to perform civic service in Oakland, and a unique chance to network with community service minded individuals and organizations.

We are a stronger city when we get to know each other.


**If your organization would like to reserve a table, please email us at oaktownmeetup@gmail.com**

PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE RESTAURANT. Email us to reserve a table for your group. Thanks!

$2 Beers
$5 Well Drinks
$2 off all Wines

AND $1 Oysters


THIS EVENT IS FREE TO ATTEND. (No age restrictions)

So join us and celebrate the Oakland we love and get to know the people that make this city so wonderful!

Added by dromo101 on June 18, 2009