The Oakland Bay Area Community Chorus (OBACC) returns to the East Bay for the annual spring concert "SING INTO SPRING" with a powerful celebration of spirituals, gospel, jazz and popular styles that represent the full range of choral forms. In a special tribute the chorus will sing "I've Been Buked" an African American spiritual arranged by Hall Johnson that embodies the anguish and suffering that has been experienced by victims of the Haitian Earthquake. OBACC will also donate 10% of net proceeds to victims of the earthquake. William (Bill) Bell, the Director of OBACC is also known as the Jazz professor for his role as a teacher and mento to numerous jazz musicians in the Bay Area and nationally. Bell, an acclaimed jazz pianist well known and respected in the Bay Area will also perform with his jazz quartet at the concert. He is a multifaceted musician, a noted choral director, composer and recording artist who recently released a new CD "The Feeling of Jazz."
Loni Williams, Assistant Director of the chorus is a Gospel Specialist who is known throughout the Bay Area and Europe for her unique contribution to Gospel music as a singer, pianist and workshop leader.
Terri Simmons also anaccomplished musician is the accompanist for OBACC.
"Sing IN SPRING" is a musical celebration that should not be missed by Bay Area music lovers.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 4, 2010