* Early Childhood Programs in HS Setting
* Creating Online Plans of Study Templates
* Math Credit in CTE Courses
* Technical Skill Assessment Options
* School to Careers Coordinator Roles
* Sustainability Practices & Instruction
* CIS Portfolio Resume
* Technology and Gender Equity
* Comprehensive Career Academics for CTE Clusters
* Delivering Telehealth Education & Training
* ESOL Strategies in CTE
* Culinary Careers Beyond the Recipe & Kitchen
* Professional Learning Communities in CTE
* Mentoring For Success
* Working Model for Credit by Proficiency in CTE
* Web Based Tools for Differentiated Instruction
* The Greening of Oregon’s Workforce
* Program Growth in Recessionary Times
* OVATA Leadership Model
* Precision Ag., GPS Mapping, Remote Technologies
* Innovative Laboratory in Natural Resource Curriculum
* Integrating State Requirements and Extended Application
* Programs of Study: the Paper Chase
* Perkins Annual Application Planning
* Proficiency Based Learning
* Are you CTE Programs Accountable?
* Using Moodle to Support CTE Classes
* Integrating Horticulture
* Customized AG Technical Skill Assessment
* Maximizing Alternative Classroom Settings
* Integrating Concepts of Sustainability
* Industry Credentials for Construction
* Oregon School Diploma Update
* Free Online Tools for the Classroom
Official Website: http://www.oregonacte.org/
Added by aaronpk on March 10, 2010