Friday, Sept. 30, 5pm to Midnight
Celebrate the eco-active spirit of California that John Muir helped to establish in our great state! The Oakland Museum of California comes alive with an evening that will inspire you to take action to save the environment. Learn how making small changes can have big effects on conserving our natural world as you enjoy food, cocktails, music-including headliners The Coup, performances, and eco-friendly activities inspired by the special exhibition "A Walk in the Wild: Continuing John Muir's Journey." Don't miss the beard and mustache contest-OMCA is in search of the best John Muir-inspired beard in the Bay!
All activities are included with Museum admission. This O Zone is inspired by John Muir, the Sierra Club and Urban Releaf, and is made possible by Pacific Gas and Electric Company.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 19, 2011