140 West 62nd Street
New York, New York 10023


Everything you wanted to know about computers but were afraid to ask!

Our panel of computer pros have many years of experience in solving computer problems for themselves and others.
Here is a chance to tap into this collective knowledge bank. NYPC has been the computer college for many of us and the tuition is really really low. This evening of questions, like all our General Meetings, is Free to all. What a bargain!
Panelists Include:

Lefty Atanycorner, NYPC’s VP
A computer consultant and frequent instructor for NYPC Classes. He maintains networks for his clients, banishes malware, and builds firewalls.

Mike Ostrowe
A certified Cisco Systems installer, and Mike Teaches NYPC’s A+ classes. He prefers to build computers rather than buy them. Later this summer he will host an NYPC meeting about turning your vinyl records into Digital formats.

Ted Cohn
Ted is very passionate about the Palm Treo and is co-chair of NYPC’s wireless and Treo SIGs. Ted’s first computer was a Palm Pilot, and his second computer was another Palm to back up his first one. He has since discovered desktop computers which are useful for downloading programs for his various Palm devices.

Fred Kahn
Professional photographer, A+ certified hardware geek, and eBay expert. Fred will have just returned from a national eBay conference. He will bring news, tips, tricks & goodies from eBay land.

The evening will be split between answering previously emailed questions, and questions from the audience. E-mailed questions will give the panel a chance to consider and even research an answer. And so far as opinions go, well if you ask three NYPC members for their opinion you will probably get five answers. Our members are often passionate about the programs or hardware they use, but unlike a store, or a software company no one is selling anything, but they are sharing their personal experiences and considerable knowledge.

Here are some areas in which you might have questions: Anti Virus programs, Firewalls, Spyware, Smart phones, PDA’s, Wireless internet, eBay, Free software, Music downloads, Music conversion to other formats, Hardware, Operating systems, Is it time to switch to Vista - is Vista ready for me, Networking, Digital Cameras, Digital Photos, Zero’s and Ones


Official Website: http://www.nypc.org

Added by glee on June 4, 2007

Interested 1