107 East Charleston Boulevard
Las Vegas, Nevada 89104

Kid Conrad (http://soundcloud.com/kidconrad), DJ MikeysWorld (http://www.facebook.com/pages/DJMikeysWorld/140035582766535), DJ ZO (http://soundcloud.com/djzolovesbacon)

CollectiveZoo presents NYE 2012: Block Party!

The event is located at Bar + Bistro @ The Arts Factory & Artifice. It’s a block party style event with indoor/outdoor entertainment. 2 Venues, Diverse Entertainment, and the beauty of The Strip on NYE without the hassle. Event is indoor/outdoor so dress warm!
Entertainment featured will include: House/Hip-Hop DJ’s, live bands, performers, singer/songwriters, and more.

General Admission Tickets include:
-Premium Open Bar: 9:00pm-11:00pm.
-Various live entertainment and DJ’s.
-NYE champagne toast.
-Outdoor view of fireworks display.

VIP Packages Available!
Packages include:
-Private viewing of fireworks from rooftop of venue.
-Premium/Standard bottle service packages
-Open bar inclusion
-Access to private VIP area
-Set allotment of tickets per package for VIP inclusion

Ticket prices will change as the availability decreases so get your tickets early and tell your friends!
For further questions or comments please contact CollectiveZoo:
Jarrett Applewhite
C: 702-501-2274
E: japplewhite@collectivezoo.com

Matthew McClure
C: 702-241-2308
E: m.mcclure@collectivezoo.com

Leonard “Lenny” Hendricks
C: 702-884-4623
E: lhendricks@collectivezoo.com

Show starts at

Official Website: http://www.kicktickets.com/42229/2011/12/31/nye-2012-block-party-bar-bistro-arts-factory-las-vegas-nv

Added by Andrew Daniel on December 28, 2011