78 5th Avenue
New York, New York 10011

The NYC "What The Bleep Do We Know" study group is a fun and lively discussion group that meets once a month to discuss the exciting concepts introduced in the movie "What the Bleep Do We Know". If you liked the movie and want to continue to explore topics such as Paradigm Shifts, Creating Your Day, Healing Your Past, Quantum Physics and more, come and join us!

With a new shift in awareness as well as the science behind movies such as "What the Bleep" and "The Secret", we are beginning to understand more about the practical aspects of spirituality and how it's universal application can powerfully enhance the quality of our lives and others.

The group will be meeting on the first Tuesday of each month. Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, August 7th at 7:30pm in the cafe at East West Books at 78 5th Avenue (between 13th and 14th streets). We welcome newcomers as well as regular members and all who would like to further explore and share these concepts in a fun and friendly atmosphere with other like-minded people.

Official Website: http://www.eastwestnyc.com/

Added by East West Living on November 27, 2008

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