NYC "Pitch Party" The Best & Most Effective Business Networking
The NYC Business Networking Group is hosting this month's Pitch as part of New York Entrepreneur Week.
Join business professionals to promote your product or service. Our upscale professional members come from a diverse and broad range of industries and backgrounds.
The Pitch is not a spectator sport and everyone participates to promote their own business. Each attendee gets a chance to promote themselves in a 30 second open pitch to our attendees. This gives you a chance to make your pitch in a short, precise and effective manner. We all need to hone our skills at effective pitching.
WHEN: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 at 6:30 PM
WHERE: New York Life Offices: 420 Lexington Ave, Graybar Building, 15th Flr
COST: $15 prepaid till noon 4/12 or $20 cash/door. Refreshments provided
The Evening's Schedule:
6.30 - 7.00 PM: Registration, Refreshments, Informal Networking
7.00 - 7:45 PM: Members Participate in 30 Second Business Pitch
7.45 - 8.30 PM: Formal Targeted Networking With Participants
THE NYC BUSINESS NETWORKING GROUP IS PROUDLY SPONSOR BY: AT&T HP iPAQ Glisten. Part phone. Part PC. All business. When you move fast, you need a phone that can keep up.
Official Website:
Added by Real Live People Party on March 22, 2010