We are planning 2 more Mercy Ships fund raisers in NYC this year.
Please click to join the mailing list for future Mercy Ships NYC event
As our Mardi Gras Party for Charity Mercy Ships was kicking off, the first surgeries in Benin were wrapping up on board the M/V Africa Mercy and a handful of patients were resting after their life saving surgeries.In NYC, we had over 450 attendees and we raised well over $2,000 and additional donations are still being made. On behalf of the men, women and children who will receive medical attention with this money: Thank you.***We are planning 2 more Mercy Ships fund raisers in NYC this year. Join the mailing list for future Mercy Ships NYC event invitations:
http://www.eventbrite.com/event/286980366*If you'd like to learn more about the Mercy Ship or if you were unable to attend you would like to make an online donation, you may do so here: www.mercyships.org*If you're interested in serving onboard, you can view current openings here:
Some success stories from the ship:
http://www.mercyglobal.com/stories_post.htmWant to see want $50 can do? Meet Marthaline:
About the charity:Mercy
Ships is a global charity that has operated hospital ships in
developing nations since 1978. Mercy Ships brings hope and healing to
the forgotten poor by mobilizing people and resources worldwide, and
serving all people without regard for race, gender, or religion. Our
Crew of both professional medical and non-medical volunteers have
chosen a very powerful way to share their blessings. Not everyone can
give of themselves as volunteers, but your support for our cause can
make a difference in the lives of the forgotten poor. Short-term
volunteers can participate from two weeks to a year with Mercy Ships,
while others may choose to serve in a longer capacity. The ability to
utilize professional volunteers as Crew allows Mercy Ships to maximize
our donor support and serve those who need help the most.
Organized by NYC Mercy Ships Events
Ticket Info: Join the Mailing List for future Mercy Ships NYC Events, Free
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/286980366/upcoming