NYC Business Networking Reception & Mixer
Join The NYC Business Networking Group for our monthly open networking event.
Meet upscale business professionals to promote yourself and explore new business contacts with other outstanding attendees. You'll be able to mix and mingle freely with everyone to help you make as many new connections as possible in one evening.
WHEN: Wednesday, July 8, 2009 at 6:30 PM
WHERE: Madame X Lounge: 94 West Houston St (Thompson & La Guardia)
COST: $10.00 Prepaid by noon on 7/8 or $15 cash/door
DRINK SPECIALS: Fabulous Cocktail at $4 and $5 till 9:00 PM
We look forward to seeing our regular members as well as welcoming our new ones.
Official Website:
Added by NYCBNG and SBNG on July 2, 2009