629 Vanderbilt Ave. (between Prospect Place and St Marks Avenue)
Brooklyn, New York

Come to NYC Brit Tzedek v'Shalom's Young Adult Happy Hour
for an informal discussion on the recent elections in Israel

Tuesday March 10th at 8pm
Soda Bar
629 Vanderbilt Ave., Brooklyn
The recent Israeli elections resulted in a right-wing anti-negotations majority at the same time that Obama's new administration has promised to make negotiations a priority. What does this mean for the progressive Jewish community in America? How will politics play out in the coming months? And what can we as American Jewish voters do to support a two-state negotiated settlement?
Join us for conversation, speculation and even a little wise-cracking over beer and politics.


Our generation relates to Israel in fundamentally different ways than our parents and grandparents. This is our time to talk about the Middle East, peace, and progressive Jewish identity among our peers. ** For our members and supporters in their 20s and 30s. Kindly RSVP to nyc@btvshalom.org. **


Brit Tzedek v'Shalom is America's largest grassroots Jewish organization dedicated to promoting a negotiated two-state resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Through our network of 40,000 supporters and over 1000 rabbis, we educate and organize the American Jewish community in support of Israel's long term interest in peace.

Got forwarded this email? Join our 20s and 30s listserv by sending us your email at nyc@btvshalom.org.
Interested in more events? Check out www.btvshalom.org/chapters/newyork

Added by NYCBTVS on February 24, 2009

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