America's most popular soul party DJ JONATHAN TOUBIN ( offers you an informal sneak peak into his latest party!
Wanna learn how to PONY like Bonie Maronie? HARLEM SHUFFLE? FUNKY BROADWAY? TIGHTEN UP? Need to brush up on your HORSE, POPCORN, and SHING-A-LING? Well its time to HITCH HIKE across the floor, prove that nobody can BOOGALOO like you do, and kill that ROACH! Years in the making, NYNT debuts it's latest party SATURDAY at one of our favorite spots, ZEBULON (great sound, wooden dance floor, etc.). This event isn't only a dance party but also a dance lesson - live DANCE DEMONSTRATORS THE WALKER TWINS and visuals accompany MR. JONATHAN TOUBIN's good-time 45s showing u how to do all of the dance crazes of the 60s from early TWISTs to late 60s FUNKY CHICKENS!
Now help me say, "Na, Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na!"
"Jonathan Toubin is the only person we can call a "professional DJ" without involuntarily making a jack-off motion with our hand.... his parties are like what Ancient Stonehenge was like if it was, as archaeologists theorize, filled with people dressed many times better than you completely losing their shit."-Mike de Leon, VICE
" New York Night Train's Jonathan Toubin throws the raddest underground rock parties in New York"-Alexander Thompson, Paper Magazine
"A shimmy-worthy mix of maximum rock'n'soul"-New York Post
Added by newyorknighttrain on February 3, 2011