289 Kent Avenue
Williamsburg, New York 11211

METROPOLIS VINTAGE presents North America's most popular soul party!

all night long to the 45rpm soul stimulation of New York Night Train's world (in)famous MR JONATHAN TOUBIN and a SUPER-SPECIAL SUPRISE GUEST DJ - engineered to sonic supremacy by DEREK MAXWELL (seriously - have you heard our party lately?)...

the 1AM DANCE-OFF! 1st prize = $100 CASH, 2nd prize = $75 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO METROPOLIS VINTAGE. MC-ed by the lovely MRS LAURA LEIGH and determined by the following distinguished panel of judges:
- ALLISON PRESS - designer/president of the Naked Label (http://www.nakedlabel.net/)
- AVI SPIVAK- fine artiste/cartoonist (http://www.avispivak.com/ - who drew the poster!)
- ANA ECONOMOU - bassist of Girls at Dawn (http://www.myspace.com/thegirlsatdawn)
- CHRISTOPHER ROBERTS and CAITLIN SHEEHAN of VICE/VBS/ETC (http://www.viceland.com/)
- CHUCK GUARINO - designer/CEO of The Cast (http://www.thecast.com/)
- LEILA SALES - author (http://leilasales.com/) whose Mostly Good Girls (http://books.simonandschuster.com/Mostly-Good-Girls/Leila-Sales/9781442406797) was just published on Simon and Schuster)

two new things:

1) New York Night Train is officially releasing its second mix SOUL CLAP CLASSICS VOL. 1 on a high quality wav file - download or stream it for free! (http://soundcloud.com/nynt/01-soul-clap-classics-1-wav)
2) this is the first soul clap in which NYNT has hired a local artist to design the poster - the amazing AVI SPIVAK (http://www.avispivak.com/) - CHECK IT OUT! (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=467839304984&set=a.440724839984.223964.47167209984)


"Jonathan Toubin is the only person we can call a "professional DJ" without involuntarily making a jack-off motion with our hand... His parties are like what Ancient Stonehenge was like if it was, as archaeologists theorize, filled with people dressed many times better than you completely losing their shit." - Mike de Leon (Vice)

"New York Night Train's Jonathan Toubin throws the raddest underground rock parties in New York" - Alexander Thompson (Paper Magazine)

"DJ Jonathan Toubin spins the 45s. The mid-'60s to early-'70s r &b and funk will have you dancing with the stars." - Sharyn Jackson (Village Voice)

Follow New York Night Train:
- Twitter (https://twitter.com/NY_Night_Train)
- Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/New-York-Night-Train/47167209984)
- mailinglist(at)newyorknighttrain.com

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=170661396296494

Added by newyorknighttrain on November 16, 2010

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