New Broadcasting House, Oxford Road
Manchester, England M60 1SJ

So, you’re testing your code right? Of course you are! But are you testing your code as well as it can be tested? This month Ashley Moran, Testing Maven, will be giving a talk and practical session on Behaviour Driven Development and how it should be done right.

We’re starting 30 minutes earlier this month due to the practical nature of the session.

This month we have sponsorship from Engine Yard so there will be free Pizza (and maybe Beer and soft drinks, depending on the numbers) during the talks.


6:00pm :: Welcome & Pre-session bar visit
6:30pm :: BDD, why you should be doing it and how. Pizzas provided by Engine Yard will be served during the session
8:30pm :: Drinks at the BBC bar afterwards, then somewhere else nearby after that closes at about 21:00.
If you want more information email or call Will on 07939 547 962

Sign Up

If you would like to attend this event please email me as the BBC need a list of attendees before the event and I really need to know the numbers so I can order the right amount of food and drink. This month I shall be publicly coating people with blancmange who turn up without emailing me. You have been warned.

Official Website:

Added by willj on April 6, 2009