Portland, OR, Oregon 97205

April 19 (Saturday 1:30 pm - 3 pm) Northwest VEG Dine-out. Join the Northwest VEG gang at Portland’s newest vegan Vietnamese restaurant, Nhut Quang. Over 80 vegan dishes fill their menu, with plenty of noodle and rice meals with tofu or faux meats. Yummy appetizers, too! And wait until you taste the coconut drinks! We’ll be meeting at 1:30 pm on Saturday, April 19, at 3438 NE 82nd Ave. The restaurant sits next to the Shell gas station on the corner. Park there or around the corner – or take Tri-met. If you’re interested in the festivities, email Cat at monroycathy@hotmail.com by April 16. Please contact her if your plans change, as she always extends the invite if there are folks on a waiting list. Payment is by individual party, as always. See you then!

Official Website: http://www.nwveg.org/Calendar.html

Added by multimodal on April 9, 2008

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