1 Portland Street
Manchester, England M1 3BE

A free event run back-to-back with Mashup Manchester, giving showcase opportunity for Northern startup and early stage software companies as well as those individuals who might have early stage prototype or an idea they want to demonstrate and/or share with other attendees.

Condition: Must vacate premises by 6:30pm unless you have registered for catered Mashup Manchester event on Content 2.0. Failure to honour this condition will result in requesting immediate payment. A White Knight has stepped in to sponsor few individuals. If interested e-mail manoj@ranaweera.name.

Companies accepted for DEMO (still open):

1. Yuuguu - also presenting at Mashup Manchester same night
2. ShareNow - also presenting at Mashup Manchester same night
3. edocr - Update since presenting at Mashup Manchester 1
4. NetRecords
5. Vagueware
6. Meecard - Update since presenting at Mashup Manchester 1
7. Sanoodi
8. i2monline - Inventya
9. testcard.tv - Update since presenting at Mashup Manchester 1

Mashup Manchester - Content 2.0 from 6:30pm onwards:

1. Moderators: Manoj Ranaweera and Simon Grice
2. Speaker 1: Sam Sethi of Blognation
3. Speaker 2: Awaiting confirmation
4. Company Presentation 1: Yuuguu
5. Company Presentation 2: Sharenow
6. Company Presentation 3: Up for grabs

Sponsored by: Sun Microsystems + eOffice


17:00 arrive for DEMO
17:15 to 18:15 DEMO - To demo and attend, both free
18:15 to 18:30 Those who have not registered to attend Mashup Manchester must vacate by 18:30 latest
18:30 to 19:00 Networking (Beer, Pizza, etc sponsored by Sun Microsystems)
19:00 to 19:10 Northern Launch of Sun StartUp Essential Programme - Stewart Townsend
19:10 to 20:00 Debate on Content 2.0
20:00 to 20:15 Break and Networking
20:15 to 21:00 Company Presentations
21:00 to 21:15 Vacate premises and move to nearby Bar/Pub

Business card raffle sponsors: Sanoodi + looking for others

Vincent Camara of Intruders.tv will be there to capture your best moments.

Spread the word please - We need everyone to support this event.

Registration site: http://www.nwstartup20.co.uk/NWStartUp20DEMO

Official Website: http://www.nwstartup20.co.uk/NWStartUp20DEMO

Added by ManojRanaweera on November 10, 2007



Looking forward to it; we'll be there with a demo of Treasuremytext2.0: http://beta.treasuremytext.com