NW Start Up 2.0 is the North West's premier event for software entrepreneurs, investment community, deal makers and anyone else who might be interested in software startups to meet under one roof in an informal setting. Come along to our next event on the 17th of January 2008 at KPMG Manchester for an evening of conversation and potential deal making. We aim to encourage creative thinking.
The doors will be open at 18:15 hrs and we have an amazing line of speakers from entrepreneurs, startup technology mentors, and venture capitalists.
Past speakers and panel members included: Ajaz Ahmed of Freeserve, David Ingram of Izimi, Sam Sethi of Blognation, David Terrar of D Squared C, Ivan Pope of Snipperoo, Robert Wakeling of Wadaro, Rhys Jones of Accountis and Anish Kapoor of Yuuguu, Chris Astle of m-send, Lee Strafford of Plusnet and Project Sahara, Ed French of Enterprise Ventures, Peter Leather of Liverpool Ventures.
The key theme continues to be how to set-up startup businesses and build them into successful enterprises whilst addressing essential topics such as funding and finding talent. Each speaker will share their experiences and thoughts.
Share a glass of wine and canapes. Mingle with entrepreneurs, investors and deal makers. Find like minded individuals. Grow your network. Make it a night to remember.
For event updates, tune to Manoj's blog @ http://www.manojranaweera.com
Official Website: http://www.nwstartup20.co.uk
Added by ManojRanaweera on September 19, 2007
Thanks Budda for pointing out - the cost of attendance is £25 per person