5420 Nave Drive, Suite C
Novato, California 94948

Mon-Fri, June 17-28, 9:30am-3pm

The Novato Theater Company (NTC) has launched "Summer Stars" a summer musical theater program for children that will commence in June.

NTC's program is part their educational outreach and will provide an opportunity for your child to join Novato Theater Company's professional theater artists in a fun camp designed to provide training in acting, singing, dancing - creating the students' very own musical theater piece!

Class Discounts: Receive 15% off your tuition cost if you are an NTC member or have more than one student from your family registered for class. All campers attending an NTC Summer Camp will receive a voucher good for two preview tickets for any NTC show.

Two-weeks, 10 am - 3 pm, Cost: $350.00

For more information
Contact Blanca Florido at
Tel 415 883-4498
Email: info@novatotheatercompany.org

About NTC

This vibrant little theater company has not let losing their lease twice in the past eight years stop them from producing quality theater for Bay Area audiences. To paraphrase one theater critic about NTC's dilemma, "This semi-professional theater company deserves a standing ovation for persistence."

Please join us for our shows and the rest of our fabulous season, because the show must go on.

Press and media inquiries contact: sandra@seandassoc.com or 415 887 9230.

Official Website: http://www.novatotheatercompany.org

Added by FullCalendar on February 7, 2013

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