Come and join us for the inaugural meeting of NSManchester!
What is it? A regular monthly Mac / Cocoa developer meet up for Manchester (and surrounding area). Call it CocoaHeads, call it NSCoder night, call it whatever you want it is just a bunch of people with an interest in Mac / iPhone development meeting up to share knowledge and meet some like minded people.
What will happen? Well, Ciarán Walsh[1] has been kind enough to volunteer to kick us off with an absolute beginners introduction to Cocoa development with Objective-C so we will start off at about 7pm with his talk followed by a chance to meet some other cocoa developers as we head off to a local pub.
6:30 - Arrive and mingle (go on, talk to people)
7:00 - Introduction to Cocoa and Objective-C by Ciarán Walsh
8:00 - Head off to a local pub and continue the conversation.
This will be a regular monthly event so if you can't make it this time, please join our google group[1] by e-mailing
[1] -
Official Website:
Added by DaveVerwer on May 6, 2008